Produce of the Month

Posted February 2024
Cottage cheese, strawberry & Kiwiberry on Corn Thins slices

The produce for the month of March is kiwifruit. Kiwifruits give your body a matrix of health benefits. They are a great source of vitamins C, E, K, folate, carotenoids, potassium, phytochemicals, and fiber.

The dietary fiber found in a kiwifruit helps improve symptoms of constipation and promotes healthy bowel health and digestion. Kiwifruit has approximately 3.4g of dietary fiber per 100g, this is the type of fiber your gut needs for health.

Kiwis support your digestive health by feeding the health promoting gut microbes which are essential for metabolism and function of your gut. The type of dietary fiber called soluble fiber and phytochemicals found in kiwi fruit are prebiotics to your healthy gut microbes. Prebiotics are an essential part of your diet for the health of your gut. If you do not feed the healthy microbes which support your health, they are replaced with less healthy varieties which can cause you ill health outcomes and disease states.

The soluble fiber in kiwi fruit also promotes optimal gut health by softening your stool and making it more comfortable to pass. In addition to this, kiwi fruit has amazing water retaining ability with more than four times the capacity of bran fiber and two times the capacity of an apple. This means it can bind to more of the insoluble type of fiber which helps move your stool through and supports normal and comfortable trips to the bathroom.

In addition to these components, kiwi fruit is the perfect fruit to aid digestion thanks to an enzyme called actinidin. This enzyme helps your body to digest proteins, especially in seafood, dairy, and meat. In addition to this actinidin increases the rate that the contents in your gut move through called gastric emptying. This may help reduce symptoms of bloating after a protein rich meal.

Some ideas on ways you can enjoy kiwi fruit include:

1.            As a whole fruit by itself (two kiwis are one serve of fruit)

2.            Slice thin pieces on top of your breakfast cereal.

3.            Add to some yoghurt.

4.            Enjoy as part of a fruit salad.

5.            Use to top a meringue.

7.            In a salsa.

8.            As part of a blended fruit drink. 

Ashleigh Felth…
Accredited Practising Dietitian
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    • Ashleigh Felth…